Why did we build Glider?

In 2018, the mobile dev community fell in love with Flutter. It significantly reduced the workload involved in creating a beautiful cross-platform mobile app.

However, a problem it doesn't solve fully is the fact that most mobile apps consist of very similar UI components and behaviours. Naturally, Flutter has to cater for as many UIs as possible, but that does increase the workload when it comes to using basic, built-in Material Components.

So we build Glider, which provides a way of defining mobile apps using JSON. Glider supports Flutter's built-in Material Components, allowing developers to create beautiful, simple apps with minimal boilerplate.

Apps defined in the back-end

A perk of this architecture is that Glider apps can retrieve their definitions on startup from an API. This means two things: 

  • The actual Flutter project for a Glider app is almost impossibly small, simply instantiating a Glider using a URL
  • App updates can be performed by back-end developers without any need to publish a new version on the App Store/Play Store


Glider is designed to be both minimal and opinionated. Glider apps follow the Material Design guidelines as closely as possible, and we provide limited options for theming.

You shouldn't expect to have much control over the intricate design details of a Glider app. You can define a colour scheme and a few other theme properties, which will be applied across the app according to the Material guidelines. Individual widgets are not themable at this time.


Reporting a Bug

We take security very seriously. Thank you for taking the time to responsibly disclose any issues you find.

Report a bug

After the initial reply to your report, the security team will endeavor to keep you informed of the progress being made towards a fix and full announcement.